The Ordinator mod has 29 Archery perks, inviting specialisation, rather than taking every perk in the tree.

The bow is the only weapon you will need. Spells: Vanilla: Conjure Familiar, Muffle Apocalypse: Conjure Avenging Wraith, Conjure Cat Totem, Longstride, Drop Zone, Reynos's Fins, Ghostwalk. Supporting Skills:Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion, Enchanting.Įquipment: Enchanted Furs and Amulet, Krosis, Stalhrim/Ebony Bow, Ring of the Storm-King. Major Skills:Archery, Light Armor, Lockpicking, Sneak. Otherwise, you'll benefit more from health. Stats: Roughly 1:3:1 Getting to around 150 magicka and 150 stamina is helpful for casting simple spells, sprinting further and carrying your survival gear. I played an eccentric Breton, and I decided not to write much character background in the end as I feel this build would suit all manner of misfits and strange backstories. But any race could dwell in the frozen North with the right equipment and attitude. Race: Nords for the frost resistance, or Bosmer for the skill bonuses make sense. I played with all the Enai mods installed as a set, and used the Steed Stone in the Aurora standing stones overhaul for this build. iNeed or a similar needs mod is good for immersion. Alternate Start will get you where you need to be without having to travel up from Helgen. Recommended Mods: Alternate Start, iNeed. You could in theory play it without Frostfall, but I'd strongly recommend playing it with Frostfall turned up to Hardcore to get the real survival experience.

The Summermyst mod adds some very useful enchantments that complement the build nicely. This build uses the Ordinator Perk overhaul, and a lot of it's spells are from Apocalypse. Your long meditations by the Northern shore have earned you the friendship of the spirits of the Sea of Ghosts, and you can call upon them at need.Įssential Mods: Ordinator, Apocalypse, Summermyst, Frostfall. You have all the simple magics you need to give you an edge. You are a master archer, with an arsenal of traps to back it up. You know how to keep warm, and get the best out of simple equipment. You are well prepared and resourceful, always planning ahead. Whatever your reasons, you have learned not just to survive but to thrive in this harsh landscape, and the people of the towns have come to value your skills. Did you come to the white expanse to forget your past, or to learn the secrets to be found under the ice? Do the voices of the drowned call to you across the waters of the Sea of Ghosts? Perhaps your people raised you to life in the snows, or perhaps you left the city for the wilds and never looked back. A ranger of the icy northern wastes – inspired by my love of the Frostfall mod.įew dare to travel in the frigid glaciers and mountains of Northern Skyrim, but this wilderness is your home.